
Three Web Articles Guaranteed to Freak You Out

Guys, the internet is a scary place. I know because I found several creatures from my nightmares on here just yesterday. So, of course I thought it would only be fair to share the scary with all of you. And by share, I mean take you on a short but disturbing tour around the interwebz. Here are three articles I found this week that are guaranteed to freak you the freak out.

Dog-human sculpture art by Patricia Piccinini

I mean, it literally looks like a dog/human hybrid. So exquisitely strange.

Terrifying Mega Worm from Australia

Just what is up with Australia and all their freaky deaky animals? HOW DO YOU PEOPLE SURVIVE OVER THERE? 😉 😉

Annnnnnd let’s not forget this Spider Vine that went viral. Warning: what you are about to see will make you feel very icky. Possibly even squirmy. And also, that pic is not pubic hair. In case you were wondering.

Have you found any creepishly cool things on the web this week? Share the love– er, I mean horror– with the rest of us!

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  • Faith McKay
    April 24, 2014

    I am terrified of Australia! *runs to find the pic* HERE IT IS! https://www.facebook.com/IFeakingLoveScience/photos/a.456449604376056.98921.367116489976035/801211359899877/?type=1&theater

    Australia – where the spiders are so giant and hellish, they eat SNAKES.

    I read a lot of travel memoirs, and I swear, no one goes to Australia without running into some kind of nightmare. I posted about it once and everyone was like “really it’s no big deal” ….YOUR SPIDERS EAT SNAKES. In the wise words of Xander Harris, “Generally speaking, when scary things get scared, not good.”

  • T.A. Brock
    April 24, 2014

    I KNEW ABOUT THE SPIDERS!!!! OMG. Seriously, that is terrifying. The worm is much less terrifying but still DISTURBING. Yikes!

  • musejolene
    April 24, 2014

    Oh my sweet lord, T.A. You totally got me. I can’t even watch that video because I KNOW ABOUT THE SPIDERS AND THAT”S ENOUGH FOR ME. Oh and that sculpture? Really interesting to me. Awesome post!

    • T.A. Brock
      April 24, 2014

      I can’t quit looking at the sculpture. It is so realistic. Like, if I tried to imagine what a dog/human would look like, I wouldn’t have come up with something that good. SO CREEPY.

  • krystal jane
    April 24, 2014

    Who thought that sculpture was a good idea! WHO? *beats artist with the giant worm*

    Um, yeah, I can’t do anything that has to do with spiders. No…no…
    Australia is home to like 90% of the most poisonous creatures in the world. *hides* And how come all the Australians I know are all laid back and such? HOW?

  • Suzy G.
    April 24, 2014

    That dog-person thing… sweet fancy Moses. I’m equally grossed out and fascinated. I can’t stop looking at it.

  • Disturbing Web Finds #2 | The Midnight Society
    May 22, 2014

    […] the www have led me to some truly creeptastic things. My wide-eyedness prompted the first ‘Disturbing Web Finds‘ post, and I’m happy to report, there are many more freaky finds where those came from. […]

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