Oh Hey, I’m Emily Grace

Dolor sit amet ipsum varius, ut tempor augue pretium. Fusce est magna, eleifend et enim sit amet, tempor scelerisque condimentum massa id massa. Etiam vel iaculis mi, at aliquet urna.


#SpookyShowcase: With a Little Luck… by Jay Kleem

Welcome to the 10th annual #SpookyShowcase, a Halloween artist and author showcase. A full schedule of submissions can be found here so you don't miss a single entry for THESE DEADLY CURSES. Now, on to today's submission! With a Little Luck... by Jay Kleem People never consider it, but figuring out where you die is one of the most important life decisions you can make. I mean[...]

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Santiago, Chile

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Nibh enim interdum elit, at consequat nune nibh luctus augue. Vivamus eges condin tumest massa id tincidunt. In idjut leo. Dons quam tortor, varius sit amet massa a mode eget tortor ut est accumsan congue si amet.


#SpookyShowcase: The Devil’s Men by Julie Palmer

Welcome to the 10th annual #SpookyShowcase, a Halloween artist and author showcase. A full schedule of submissions can be found here so you don't miss a single entry for THESE DEADLY CURSES. Now, on to today's submission! THe Devil's Men by Julie Palmer When they come to town, they bring the rain. They bring the sullen, even the misery. When the caravan rolls in, people lock[...]

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#Spookyshowcase – HAUNT – 2022 schedule

Welcome to the 10th annual #SpookyShowcase, a Halloween artist and author showcase. This year's theme is HAUNT. Haunts can be many things… People, places, things, decisions, states of mind, and even love. Something that haunts you in the dead of the night, pulling your covers off inch by heart-pounding inch. Rattling in an old house that you know is not the pipes. An old graveyard that[...]

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