


Books Bound in Human Skin

I love books. I have over six hundred of them in my library, and I'm still finding creative ways to cram more in even though I'm running out of space on my shelves. I especially love leather-bound books, though I don't have too many of those (YA titles don't usually get released with ooh la la fancy bindings like that.) There's something warm and buttery about holding a hand bound volume -- but what if a book you thought was simple moo cow hide was actually something a little more sinister? One of the most famous examples of a book bound in human skin comes from[...]


Granary Burial Ground, Boston

Hello from Boston! I've been in the city for the past week attending a design conference, but the place is so beautiful and there are so many adorable little puritan cemeteries I just had to bring some  beautiful taphology home for you. The focus of today's post is Old Granary Burial Ground. Third oldest cemetery in Boston, it was founded in 1660, and holds 2,345 marked graves. Despite the small number, it's assumed that nearly 5,000 souls were laid to rest here, among them three signers of the Declaration of Independence (Sam Adams, John Hancock, Robert Tre[...]