
Camp NaNoWriMo


Happy Camp NaNoWriMo! Keep writing, writing, writing!

It's April 2nd, which means that many of you participating in Camp NaNoWriMo have been working on your book or your project for two days already! Or erm, if you're like me, you really haven't started yet because of the weekend and um, yeah, I should probably get on that. First off, CONGRATULATIONS on taking the next step to make your creative project a reality if you are participating and already signed up. Secondly, if you haven't checked out NaNoWriMo, you should! It's a great way to start the project you've been wanting to work on and creating excellent writ[...]


Camp NaNoWriMo – Horror Style

Are any of you doing Camp NaNoWriMo? Now, I know that Camp NaNoWriMo isn't completely horror related, but it just so happens that the novel I'm working on for Camp NaNoWriMo is a YA horror novel, titled Katherine In the Lighthouse. Because if there's one thing that I think the young adult and new adult writing community needs, it's horror. The novel I'm working on is for an idea I had a while ago. I started writing it and I quickly fell in love with the concept and the characters. And then I had one of those realizations that you dread as an author. That what I[...]