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March 2016


The One That Got Away – Final Girls

We love final girls. There's nothing better than having the main character that you're rooting for, make it all the way to the end! She can suffer again in the sequel, no doubt and hopefully at the end of the series, make it out alive! Member Kira wrote The Horror Movie Survival Guide for the Discerning Final Girl and it's one of my favorite posts ever. There are certain rules that one must abide by in order to survive. Like no sex or being curious allowed...if you want to survive. If you haven't checked it out yet, you should. Because well, it very much coul[...]


Horror Houses: The Garbage Disposal That Messed Me Up for Life

I watched a lot of horror as a kid, but the movies didn't really scare me. Heights? Snakes? Chickens? Terrifying. But scary movies didn't freak me out, they felt safe, like home. Except for one. I watched it in the middle of a month long movie marathon. My father's father had died, dad was depressed, I was home from school, and dad rented several movies everyday. One scary story after another. And then there was this one. I was eight years old. And suddenly, I was curled around a pillow, too scared to cry, too scared to sit on furniture. (If you're on the floo[...]


Monster House

HAPPY March! Since it's the first day of a new month, I get the disctinct honor of being the first to post on our new theme...horror houses! Now, I do have a pretty good memory of one particular scary house from my childhood, but I'm saving that one for later on. Today, I wanted to share with you one of my favorite scary kid movies. Sony created an animated horror where the main character is a haunted house, which scared my kids when they first watched. I will admit that I LOVED watching their reaction, too!     My favorite line? "If something[...]