Last summer I watched the show NOS4A2 on AMC. AND WOW DID I ENJOY IT! Season two begins this weekend on Sunday, June 21st on AMC. I just wanted to let everyone know. OUT OF THE KINDNESS OF MY HEART.

Vic McQueen has a gift. She’s a strong creative and with her bike and a magic bridge, she’s uncovered the sinister plot of dear Charlie Manx.
Based on the book by Joe Hill, which I haven’t read it but will, this show gives us another type of vampire.
One who lives in Christmasland.
Vic just wants to go to art school, but her family life is weird and stressful and all sorts of messed up, which makes heading off to school slightly difficult. This character is great! She’s real. She struggles. She wants to give up, but doesn’t. All I want is for her to get to do what she loves.
Charlie Manx is stealing kids. Well, if you ask him, he’s saving them, getting them out of places where they aren’t happy and giving them a forever life in the magical, happy place of lights and presents…and eating people.
Vic, with the help of her new friend Maggie (with a bag of magic Scrabble tiles), decides to stop him. To save the kids.
So maybe no art school. Can she save them? Will she survive? AH!
I was sucked into season one immediately. And when I saw the announcement for the next season…I might have cheered.
Creepy and fun. Atmospheric. Tense. High emotion. Fantastic characters.
This show makes me happy. I can’t wait for season two. HAVE YOU SEEN IT? AMC recently played all of season one, which I am rewatching. And it’s still so good.
Cheers and nightmares,
Great show, same here with the book. Can’t wait to see the next season.