
Japanese Horror


No Sleep Til Tokyo: American Reboots of J-Horror Classics… and their sequels

Back again this month with more j-horror films to trigger latent fears of technology: video cassette tapes, cell phones, cameras, the internet... nothing is sacred. Nothing is safe. Sure, we're accustomed to haunted houses -- that's old hat -- but a possessed eyeball?! Okay, okay... so maybe not so much a possessed eyeball, but at least an organ that let's you see into the spirit world. One of the most fun conventions of j-horror is that it often uses everyday objects and turns them into vessels for terror. The films in this list, excepting Godzilla, all cater[...]


Japanese Horror in YA: The Suffering by Rin Chupeco

As I mentioned earlier in the month, it's J-Horror (Japanese Horror) month here at the Midnight Society! Last week I posted about J-horror in young adult fiction. My post featured the fabulous book called The Girl From The Well by Rin Chupeco and I thought it would be fun to continue with my feature! She has another amazing sequel and don't you worry, I'm going to tell you allllllll about it. J-Horror in YA The Suffering by Rin Chupeco Breathtaking and haunting, Rin Chupeco's second novel is a chilling companion to her debut, The Girl from the Well. The darkn[...]


A Selection of J-Horror Movies for Every Horror Fan Type

The ever-so amazing Kira has a list of her essential J-Horror movies here for you to pick from and  I previously mentioned the movies you can find on Amazon streaming and Netflix here. And as I mentioned before, J-Horror is my favorite horror. I think K-Horror (Korean) and C-Horror (Chinese) are really spectacular as well, but J-Horror was kinda my first and you always have special feelings for your first. And previously, our wonderful Erica mentioned how she has trouble with gore movies, so it got me thinking--I used to hate gore too, but now I can stomac[...]


I, Empath: Why I Cannot Enjoy Gore

I, Empath: Why I Cannot Enjoy Gore NOTE: I have temporarily shelved my middle grade horror WIP. While that project festers rests, I am preparing a non-fiction book proposal about my short-lived but life-changing experience as a PhD student. So, to jump-start the academic part of my memory, I am writing this post as a proper academic paper in APA formatting, more or less. In the remainder of this Introduction section, I will over-explain what happens in the remainder of this post. DOUBLE NOTE: To any college or graduate students who may be reading this: Stop usi[...]


A Criterion Collection J-Horror Example

I work part time in a bookstore. One that not only sells books, but if you're a music and movie aficionado there is a huge selection for you. With J-Horror month, I of course asked one of our movie guys if we had any DVDs I could buy and watch to school myself on this type of horror. He looked at me and I heard crickets. The guy who knows just about any book or movie I put in my hand, had no idea what J-Horror was. After I showed him my first post, the lightbulb went on and we went searching. He gave me four titles that we carry in the Criterian Collection. Only[...]


Japanese Horror in YA: The Girl From the Well

When the rest of the crew suggested to do a month devoted to J-Horror, I was like, what? I hate to admit it, but I did not know what J-Horror meant! Thankfully they explained and I was excited! Who wouldn't want to learn about Japanese horror? It was something I didn't know much about. If you don't either, that's okay! The fabulous Amy wrote a post about it just the other day. You may want to start here. You know much I love young adult novels, so I set out to find a few J-Horror inspired young adult novels and I was NOT disappointed. Check it out. Hello J-Horro[...]


J-Horror: What You Can Find On Netflix & Amazon Prime

So I am the one to blame for J-Horror July. I used Birthday Month Privileges to talk everyone else here at the Midnight Mansion into letting me have this. So yay~ A Quick Lesson On Why J-Horror is Better than American Horror I love J-Horror. It's my favorite, and I think historically the best. You don't see the Japanese remaking American horror movies (you don't really see anyone remaking American horror movies, tbh) but you do see Americans constantly remaking Japanese horror movies, to name a few: The Grudge, The Ring, Shudder, One Missed Call, Pulse, and so[...]


No Sleep till Tokyo: Essential J-Horror Films you shouldn’t watch alone

Everyone's got their thing: for some people it's slasher movies, for others it's creepy-looking revenge spirits. I fall into the latter category. Given that it's j-horror month, I'd like to celebrate by re-introducing a few of my favourite horror movies that deal with yurei. Even if you've never heard the word "yurei" before, you'd probably know one if you saw one: the white shoudlike dress, the long, matted black hair, and the penchant for indiscriminately killing anything and everything they come in contact with after a certain amount of time. It's a very parti[...]


Writing Bloody- J Horror

I am a complete J-Horror novice, but as a horror writer I'm always researching the craft of writing. Finding out how others write and reading their advice helps to make you a better writer. So when we began talking about J-Horror, the first thing I did was research what the heck that meant. Now? I want to know what the differences and similarities are in writing. There are quite a few posts coming up this month by my friends who know a lot about J-Horror, so stay tuned for more fun! For now, here's my simple take on J-Horror writing vs. Western novels... Tradit[...]


What is J Horror?

July is J Horror Month! If you're anything like me, you're wondering what the heck J horror even is. Before we get into the whole fun of this particular brand of horror, how about a definition and a couple of examples to sink your teeth on? Wikipedia Definition: Japanese horror is Japanese horror fiction in popular culture, noted for its unique thematic and conventional treatment of the horror genre in light of western treatments. Clear as mud? I thought so. J horror has been around since the 1940-50s. The first movies were stories that incorportated Japa[...]