
Midnight Matron


Announcing Our New Midnight Marauder: June 2016

It’s time to reveal our next Midnight Marauder! I've read the tarot cards and sipped the divination tea... The answers were identical. It's clear that the spirits and the universe have come to an agreement. They've nominated one special soul for sacrifice. I’m so excited and pleased to announce the first Midnight Marauder of 2016! What the heck is a Midnight Marauder? The Midnight Society’s Midnight Marauder is a member of the Midnight Society team. He or she is someone that goes above and beyond to contribute to the Midnight Society, to our readers,[...]


Announcing Our New Midnight Matron!

I'm so excited and pleased to announce the first Midnight Matron of 2015! What the heck is Midnight Matron? The Midnight Society’s Midnight Matron is a member of the Midnight Society team. He or she is someone that goes above and beyond to contribute to the Midnight Society, to our readers, and embraces the wonders of macabre like no other. That’s great but…what does this mean? The Midnight Matron gets to reign supreme over the following month. This means that our January Midnight Matron will reign as Matron over February. In March, a new Midnight Matron w[...]


Announcing The Midnight Matron of All Hallow’s Eve!

  The month of October is a special one! Besides the obvious Halloween answers, this month is the first month were rolling out the honor of Midnight Matron! What the heck is Midnight Matron? The Midnight Society's Midnight Matron is a member of the Midnight Society team. He or she is someone that goes above and beyond to contribute to the Midnight Society, to our readers, and embraces the wonders of macabre like no other. That's great but...what does this mean? The Midnight Matron get's to resign supreme over the following month. This means that our Octobe[...]