
New Adult


How to Write New Adult Horror

Okay, this title may be a tad misleading. There is no way I will tell you HOW to write, let alone how to write horror. However, there are some things to keep in mind when writing horror in the NA category. Keep in Mind the Age of Your Characters NA characters are to be college age--meaning 18-25ish. This doesn't mean they have to be in college, but at the very least they should be out on their own for the first time. The main character in my story actually turns 18 and begins her journey into full time employment. Your Characters Should be Having New Experiences M[...]


New Adult

Since I recently self-published my debut NA psychological horror, The Bleeding Heart, I've been thinking a lot about what new adult is, what it means to me, and how it's perceived in the publishing world. Why? Because unless I'm talking to another writer or someone in the book industry, new adult is a completely foreign term and I've had to explain it to quite a few people. I have found a niche in new adult horror, so I decided to dedicate my posts on our blog to this category and genre of literature. I hope you join me in the celebration:) Before we can move o[...]


NA Horror- Let’s Get this Started!

I never set out to write a New Adult story. What I did set out to write was your good old fashion YA horror, one that I've submitted into many contests and to many agents. It was during one of these contests that I had my first "ah-ha" moment when an author came to me and said that my story really fit better in the New Adult category. The second eye opening moment came from an agent I had queried. Needless to say, she was sending me a rejection but noted that really my story was not meant to be labeled as young adult. New Adult Since I had these two experiences,[...]