


March Roundup: Cemeteries, Graveyards, and Death, oh my!

Our team put our skeleton brains together and picked some themes for fun. March was graveyard and cemetery month for us at the Midnight Society. There have been so many fantastic and interesting posts, that I wanted to round them all up and share them all together. Here are some of my favorite macabre graveyard and cemetery posts.   Sunnydale Cemetery by Amy Guiffrida The Wandering Taphophile Returns: A Cemetery Bucket List by Kira Butler House for Sale: Great View…Don’t Mind the Headstones by Kathy Palm     Great Graveyard Scenes:[...]


My Book Stack Brings All The Ghosts To The Yard

You  may recall I grew up across from a graveyard. So, now that I think about it, it's no surprise that 66.6% of the books in my personal library are situated in, around, near, or under a graveyard. Here, in no particular order (cover art on a scale of wtf to gtfo) are my personal favorites:                 Any graveyard books in your book stack?[...]


Folklore Week: Emily’s Bridge, Vermont

It’s sometime after ten and we’re standing in front of Old Yard holding an eighteenth-century lantern replica with a tin roof, holds slotted into it to let the heat escape. We’re dangling it over the wall that separates the parking lot from the cemetery. The candlelight reflects off a small slabbed tombstone — isolated from the rest of the graves without any real indication why. It could be a dissenter’s plot. I run over the number of reasons why someone might be buried as a dissenter in 19th century Stowe: usual reasons include not adhering to the popul[...]