
My Book Stack Brings All The Ghosts To The Yard

You  may recall I grew up across from a graveyard. So, now that I think about it, it’s no surprise that 66.6% of the books in my personal library are situated in, around, near, or under a graveyard.

Here, in no particular order (cover art on a scale of wtf to gtfo) are my personal favorites:

Awesome MG horror series. Don’t let the funky/cute cover fool you. There was some dark sh!t buried in this one.


Goes without saying that this gem has a special place in my heart and salt circle.


This book is batsh!t creepy. I think my big sister got it from one of the scholastic book fairs or weekly reader catalogues back in 1803. If memory serves: On more than one occasion I’d sneak into her room while she was babysitting and just stare at the cover.


Don’t let spooky cover and hand drawn font fool you. This book has issues. Creepy ones.


Stop what you’re doing cuz I’m about to ruin everything I ever thought I knew about my half-assed religious upbringing. There’s a reason I don’t go to Mass anymore. And you’re looking at it.


I bought this book based on the cover. FML Mary Downing Hahn delivers a spine-punch.


Holly Black, for when the creepster in you needs a hug. From a doll. Made from real bones.


What ever it was that happened to Mary Downing Hahn to make her like this, I thank It.


My book stack, does indeed, bring all the ghosts to the graveyard.

Any graveyard books in your book stack?

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