


Japanese Horror in YA: The Suffering by Rin Chupeco

As I mentioned earlier in the month, it's J-Horror (Japanese Horror) month here at the Midnight Society! Last week I posted about J-horror in young adult fiction. My post featured the fabulous book called The Girl From The Well by Rin Chupeco and I thought it would be fun to continue with my feature! She has another amazing sequel and don't you worry, I'm going to tell you allllllll about it. J-Horror in YA The Suffering by Rin Chupeco Breathtaking and haunting, Rin Chupeco's second novel is a chilling companion to her debut, The Girl from the Well. The darkn[...]


Japanese Horror in YA: The Girl From the Well

When the rest of the crew suggested to do a month devoted to J-Horror, I was like, what? I hate to admit it, but I did not know what J-Horror meant! Thankfully they explained and I was excited! Who wouldn't want to learn about Japanese horror? It was something I didn't know much about. If you don't either, that's okay! The fabulous Amy wrote a post about it just the other day. You may want to start here. You know much I love young adult novels, so I set out to find a few J-Horror inspired young adult novels and I was NOT disappointed. Check it out. Hello J-Horro[...]


J-Horror: What You Can Find On Netflix & Amazon Prime

So I am the one to blame for J-Horror July. I used Birthday Month Privileges to talk everyone else here at the Midnight Mansion into letting me have this. So yay~ A Quick Lesson On Why J-Horror is Better than American Horror I love J-Horror. It's my favorite, and I think historically the best. You don't see the Japanese remaking American horror movies (you don't really see anyone remaking American horror movies, tbh) but you do see Americans constantly remaking Japanese horror movies, to name a few: The Grudge, The Ring, Shudder, One Missed Call, Pulse, and so[...]


What is J Horror?

July is J Horror Month! If you're anything like me, you're wondering what the heck J horror even is. Before we get into the whole fun of this particular brand of horror, how about a definition and a couple of examples to sink your teeth on? Wikipedia Definition: Japanese horror is Japanese horror fiction in popular culture, noted for its unique thematic and conventional treatment of the horror genre in light of western treatments. Clear as mud? I thought so. J horror has been around since the 1940-50s. The first movies were stories that incorportated Japa[...]


The Subtle Storytelling of Bloodborne

I love it when everything I think I know about writing horror gets turned on it's head. One, it helps me to grow as a writer. Secondly, it means I got bloody well scared during the process. Bloodborne, the newest game for the Playstation 4 from From Software, did both these things. Yet, on paper it shouldn't have. First it's gothic horror, which hasn't been scary in years (but it's the last refuge of solid atmosphere) and it's cosmic horror, which is probably the hardest subgenre to pull off. Don't get me wrong, I love them both, but that doesn't change the fact[...]