
Setting Horror in the Winter

Winter HorrorWhen it comes to writing horror, there are certain advantages to setting your story in winter. If you live in the North, it is a season marked by peril. You make decisions simply on whether or not they may cause you to freeze to death, your water pipes to burst, or your cupboard to run out of back-up food. In addition to a mental state of bravery, it is a time marked by warmth, magic, and fresh starts. I made this  infographic on Picktochart to organize my thinking. I focused on clothing, holidays, and causes of death that are a part of winter (or could be). May your winter be absent these terrors–except in your writing.


In what other ways could you leverage winter for horror writing?


  • Ruthie Jones
    December 30, 2014

    Should it be, “May your terrors be absent this winter”? But being terrified is an adrenaline rush, right, as long as it all ends well, of course. I would add avalanch to the picture: buried alive!

    • Ruthie Jones
      Ruthie Jones
      December 30, 2014

      *avalanche (crazy phone keypad). And I posted at 11:50 am and not 9:50 am. Spooky!

    • Jennifer Brinkmeyer
      Ruthie Jones
      December 30, 2014

      Ha! It should be these*

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