
Real Life Horror: Publishing

Hello Kittens,


Boy, have I had a week. I’d tell you all about it, but I really don’t want to turn this into a big pity party. I’ve done enough sulking. So instead of whining about my life, I thought we could chat about real life horror…in publishing!

Now, I know that a lot of you out there are just like me; Agentless (as of a week ago #frown) and wading through the cold, dank query trenches. Querying is terrifying. Sending your words out into the world to be judged at face value is enough to give me the chills in the middle of August. But you know what it doesn’t have to be?


So, in an effort to make things a little easier on my fellow horror-writing-queriers, I’ve combed the latest chunk of MSWL (Manuscript Wishlist) tweets and found some literary agents that are looking for our kinda words. I’ve come up with a list of Jenna’s Awesome List of Agents looking for Horror!

** Please double-check agents guidelines / wish lists before sending in case you’re reading this blog post like….two years from now **

Alec Shane (Writer’s House): Horror of all kinds – but preferably no were-things, vampires, or zombies.

Erica Bauman (Editorial Assistant at Zachary Shuster Harmsworth): YA horror please! I want to be too scared to go to sleep. No werewolves, vampires, or zombies though.

Laura Zats (Red Sofa Literary): YA horror

Shannon E. Powers (Macintosh and Otis): Smart, bone-chilling YA horror

Peter Knapp (New Leaf Literary): All kinds of horror (MG & YA)

Monica Odom (Bradford Literary): Horror…the unknown…unsettling vibes…strange things and people


There are so many agents out there looking for the words we are writing…it’s our time to shine. If you have a query and need some eyes, let me know! Writing is hard sometimes.




  • Amy Giuffrida
    February 12, 2016

    You know what we really need??? Agents who are looking for NA horror…hint…hint…

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