
Happy Birthday Brian LeTendre and Kim Graff!

It’s July! Which means:

  1. You need to watch Stranger Things on Netflix, Dead of Summer is out and (amazing!) and it’s almost October. Kind of.
  2. It also means we get to celebrate two of my favorite people ever!

Happy Birthday Brian LeTendre and Kim Graff!


Happy Happy Birthday Brian LeTendre!!!





Brian, you are such a wonderful, fantastic person with big dreams, a huge heart, and talent beyond my wildest dreams. For you I gift you this music video, which is one of my favorite songs of all time from one of my favorite bands of all time. I treasure this macabre music just like I treasure you. – Jolene





Happy Happy Birthday Kim Graff!!!

Kim pic (pissed off face)




Kim, you are so fun, creative, intelligent, and witty. I admire your brains and skills, and your bookish prowess. To you, I gift this music video. It’s creepy, fun, and cool, just like you are. – Jolene


A Very Special Message for Brian the Birthday Boy:


Today is your special day BRIAN. It is your BIRTHDAY.


I just want you to know how much I want you to have a happy birthday, BRIAN.


You should party with WHOEVER you want to, BRIAN.


But I hope you pick ME, BRIAN.


…and I hope your cake has a delicious taste, BRIAN.


…and the ice cream too, BRIAN.


Happy birthday BRIAN. Love, the Davis girl

A Very Special Message for KIM the Birthday Girl:


What an EXCITING day your birthday is. Right KIM? Much adventure. Very happiness.



I hope you get everything you want on your special day, KIM.


And that you are surrounded by happiness with no escape, KIM. No escape.


Maybe you’ll even get a few special surprises, KIM. Would you like that, KIM?


Maybe you’ll get a new dolly to play with. Wouldn’t you like a new dolly, KIM?

Don't forget to make a wish when you blow out your candle, KIM.

Don’t forget to make a wish when you blow out your candles, KIM.


Happy birthday KIM. Love, the Davis girl




Thanks for sharing your knowledge of everything 80’s and slasher! I’ve learned so much from you.


I hope it’s chocolate, possibly evil…


Happy birthday!




You love the dark and creepy and that is what makes you fabulous! So here’s a message from Dean just for you…


He’s so right. You are.

And CAKE! Zombie style.


Happy birthday!



Happy Birthday Brian and Kim!!!!


Time for a party!!

You both are amazing and I wish we could be together for your birthdays. Since we can’t, I’ve created the perfect virtual freakshow party for us all to enjoy. So, cut the clown cake and let’s hope we all survive the celebration…





Since you’re a newfound Pokemaster, I found just the pokemon for you.


You are such a valued, incredible member of both our spooky family and the writing community. The advice you willingly give in both PW and the Querying facebook group has helped myself and many others so much. You are so appreciated and I hope you have the best day.


Not only does your writing wow me, but your passion for the craft is awe-inspiring. Every time you talk about your writing process or your inspiration, It gives me the urge to yank open my WIP and write. It makes being your friend seriously cool. Oh, and you HANDS DOWN give the absolute best music recs of all time. I haven’t stopped writing to the PRINCE OF DARKNESS.

So to the both of you, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!



Happy birthday to two amazing members of our group. We’re so happy you’re part of this team. Check your emails for a fun surprise from all of us!


The Midnight Society Signature


  • seebrianwrite
    July 25, 2016

    You area all amazing!! Thank you so much! I am so fortunate to be a part of this group. You are all the best.

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