I know it’s February, but it’s always a great time for some trick-or-treating with a bit of murder and mayhem. So this month for Midnight Society Movie Night, join me on Twitter for Halloween!
Halloween…a slasher film released October of 2018 written by David Gordon Green, Jeff Fradley, and Danny McBride, and directed by David Gordon Green brings us back to the story of Laurie Strode and what being a survivor means.

Halloween 2018 movie poster
Remember all those Halloween movies? We all watched them. Well, forget every one except the first, because this movie wipes the slate clean. In 1978, Laurie Strode was nearly killed by a knife-wielding, mask-wearing stranger. In 2018, she faces him again.
Because he escaped.
Horror is facing a real nightmare, one that haunts you, one that left scars. Forty years ago, Laurie’s life was changed forever by what happened one night, a long ago Halloween. The killer lived. She knows he’s out there, that he could come after her again. She’s ready.
This movie gives a possible glimpse of what life looking over your shoulder could look like.
I did see this one in the theater. I was super excited! Then the two people next to me decided to talk and giggle, which ruined the mood. UGH
So let’s watch it together! I promise not to interrupt the killing with laughter…only tweets.
Find me on Twitter on Friday, February 22nd at 9 EST for the live-tweet of Halloween. Look for my tweets at #MidnightSocietyMovieNight and #HalloweenMovie. Everyone is welcome to watch with me and add your tweets to the fun!