
Midnight Society Movie Night: The Awakening

This month let’s watch a little gem I found years ago called The Awakening. Time for…

Where I tweet a whole lotta thoughts and reactions (and annoy the Twitter world) to a horror movie!



Movie Poster of the 2012 movie The Awakening

Released in the US in 2012, The Awakening, a British supernatural film, was directed by Nick Murphy and written by Nick Murphy and Stephen Volk.

Florence Catheart (played by Rebecca Hall) doesn’t believe in ghosts. She investigates hauntings in order to reveal that nothing paranormal exists. She heads to a boarding school to once again prove that ghosts aren’t real. Only…maybe they are.

I have an obsession of digging through the $5 movie section and bringing one home. This little habit of mine can be a risky business, some of the movies I like and others…well, blah. One long-ago day, I welcomed The Awakening to my collection and held my breath, hoping that it would be a bit creepy and have a good story.

At the end of the movie, I was happy! The story pulled me slowly in. The quiet, creepy tone held me with soft, shadowy fingers. Not a movie that will make you scream, it will make you think. I haven’t seen this one in a while, so must be time to free The Awakening from the horror movie drawer and watch it with all my ghost story-loving friends.

Come Friday April 19th, pull on your comfy pants, grab your favorite scary movie snacks, and join me on Twitter #MidnightSocietyMovieNight and #TheAwakeningMovie. Feel free to read all my crazy tweets! Or…watch the movie WITH ME AND TWEET ALONG!

See you then!

Cheers and nightmares,


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