


Three Web Articles Guaranteed to Freak You Out

Guys, the internet is a scary place. I know because I found several creatures from my nightmares on here just yesterday. So, of course I thought it would only be fair to share the scary with all of you. And by share, I mean take you on a short but disturbing tour around the interwebz. Here are three articles I found this week that are guaranteed to freak you the freak out. Dog-human sculpture art by Patricia Piccinini I mean, it literally looks like a dog/human hybrid. So exquisitely strange. Terrifying Mega Worm from Australia Just what is up with Aus[...]


Horrific Post-Its by John Kenn Mortensen

I have this weird love for Post-Its. I think it might be one of those writer things combined with just my normal weirdness. But then I found these and I flipped out. Artist John Kenn Mortensen lets his imagination slither onto Post-Its in the form of monsters, ghosts, and other creeptastic things! When I started oogling these art pieces, I felt like he'd reached into my head and drew things from the darkest corners of my mind. I want them. All of them. Check them out! These are all done on Post-It's people! How amazing are these?! I especially like the one a[...]


The Last Halloween By Abby Howard

Creepy dolls, brilliant storytelling, and wasp monsters exploding out of people’s brains-- Abby Howard’s new web comic, The Last Halloween has it all. I suggest you get caught up on the first couple dozen updates immediately, because this is something that everyone who reads the Midnight Society really ought to be following. One of the things I love about The Last Halloween is that Howard has thrown the usual webcomic pacing out the window, giving readers a whole page worth of panels in one weekly update. This pacing really works for the story, allowing her ti[...]