


The Ultimate Fear Factor: Dolls

You played with dolls as a child, right? Dolls can be fun... or they can be the ultimate fear factor. You know what I mean. Hard plastic eyes that you could swear are staring at you. So you move to a different place in the room BUT THE EYES FOLLOW. Or, the doll was sitting on the couch. You are SURE it was sitting on the couch but then, why is it on the floor? I admit, I had a thing about Care Bears when I was young. I swear mine were possessed or something. They moved, they STARED. They were scurry. But now that I'm all grown up, I'm past all that. Yep. Dolls ar[...]


The Great Horror Campout

Do you like to be scared? Do you wish you could be in a real horror book or horror movie, as long as you could guarantee your survival at the end? Some of you may be nodding in excitement. The others may be saying,” Hell to the no!” Well, the good news is, you can be a part of a night of horror. I mean, as long as you’re willing to shell out the dough. World, meet The Great Horror Campout!   What is The Great Horror Campout? According to the website, The Great Horror Campout (GHC) is a “choose your own adventure” overnight, interactive campin[...]


“For Safety’s Sake”… or “Hey, I’m Still Alive Down Here”

I have a lot of fears, guys. Lots of them. Heights, closed spaces, dense crowds, mob mentality, dentists scraping my teeth with those metal tools, the entire bottom of the airplane somehow falling off at 30,000 feet, the fact that every day my children are growing closer and closer to adulthood and I'm doing a terrible job at preparing them ... Some of those fears are more rational than others. But one fear I think we've ALL had at one time or another is the fear of being buried alive. What do you mean I've never had that fear? Seriously? Hmm. So that one's jus[...]


Silhouettes and Creepy Shorts: The Mysterious Geographic Explorations of Jasper Morello

As summer approaches, I have been thinking of fun things to do with my laser cutter, and as a result, have again been thinking about shadow puppets and scary silhouettes. Which reminds me of one of my favorite short films: The Mysterious Geographic Explorations of Jasper Morello. Nominated for an Academy Award in 2006, Anthony Lucas’s animated masterpiece is definitely worth checking out if you’re not familiar with it. Jasper the airship navigator is haunted by the memory of a previous crew mate's death, a death he feels responsible for. Meanwhile, his city o[...]


Disturbing Web Finds #2

My journeys through the www have led me to some truly creeptastic things. My wide-eyedness prompted the first 'Disturbing Web Finds' post, and I'm happy to report, there are many more freaky finds where those came from. Honestly, I'm not sure how I run into these stories. It's totally not on purpose. But since I do, I figure it's only fair that I share the creepay creepay with all of you. I'm gracious like that. You're welcome. :) First, we have this video (which I found on Facebook) of a praying mantis dying. But the thing that made my stomach knot up, flip, cl[...]


Three Web Articles Guaranteed to Freak You Out

Guys, the internet is a scary place. I know because I found several creatures from my nightmares on here just yesterday. So, of course I thought it would only be fair to share the scary with all of you. And by share, I mean take you on a short but disturbing tour around the interwebz. Here are three articles I found this week that are guaranteed to freak you the freak out. Dog-human sculpture art by Patricia Piccinini I mean, it literally looks like a dog/human hybrid. So exquisitely strange. Terrifying Mega Worm from Australia Just what is up with Aus[...]


Horror Writer Interview #2: Jenna Lehne

I am super excited to bring to our little corner of the cemetery, yet another interview with horror writer Jenna Lehne! Seriously love her answers, especially to #3. Enjoy!   Interview 1.  Why write horror? What draws you to writing in this genre?   I like scaring people. I’m the kind of person that will hide behind the front door for half an hour just so I can jump out and scare you.   I started writing horror because there’s so much to work with. People are afraid of everything. My friend, for example, is afraid of balloons. Another is[...]


Types of Terror

I wanted to pose a question today: What is your favorite way to be afraid? However, I realized I was going to have to give you some examples to answer the question easily, which brought me back to the famous words of Stephen King (you've probably heard of him, he's kind of a thing). “The 3 types of terror: The Gross-out: the sight of a severed head tumbling down a flight of stairs, it's when the lights go out and something green and slimy splatters against your arm. The Horror: the unnatural, spiders the size of bears, the dead waking up and walking around, it's[...]


American Horror Story- Horror on TV

  I'm not afraid to tell you that I love watching TV. Some of what I watch is filler--you know, background noise while I'm working on dinner or other household things. But, every once and a while a new show comes along an totally hooks me. American Horror Story is one of those shows. What blows my mind about this show, is that each season actors and/or actresses play the roles of different characters. Take Jessica Lange from Season 1: Murder House. In this season, Lange plays nosey neighbor Constance Langdon. The neighbors, played by Dylan McDermott and[...]


Medusa Lives On… through this terrifying lake

A lake filled with water so toxic that it can turn whatever touches it to stone? Sounds like something straight out of a fictional horror story—or a Medusa myth—but guess what, IT’S NOT! At least not according to this article at Lake Natron, located in Tanzania, in east Africa, is comprised of an odd combination of salt, sodium carbonate decahydrate (soda ash), and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) which makes it extremely alkaline. This means it contains water with ph levels of 10.5 or even higher (um, excuse me, my nerdy is showing). Let[...]