


Curious Things Found on the Internet – Part I

  Hello, good day, bonjour. It's been many months since we chatted last. I took a much-needed hiatus from everything excepting real life -- hence my absence -- but as things go, I'm back like a bad case of herrrrr--- herpy derpies? Bunny rabbits. It's been long enough that you ought to suffer a re-introduction from me. So I'll keep this brief, sparing those who are familiar already: Hello! My name is Kira. I write low-key horror fiction and dark urban fantasy for young adults, I'm pre-query on my first novel, and I'm a senior-level graphic designer.[...]


Abandoned Shopping Malls

Most of the abandoned building photos I see are of schools or hospitals--buildings that are a few decades old. Seph Lawless recently put together a photography book called Black Friday featuring two abandoned Ohio malls. You can see photos in the video below. With zombies readily being compared to Black Friday shoppers, and the cartoons every Thanksgiving morning filled with the various horrors of consumerism, shopping malls do seem like the future landscape for horror novels. Maybe someday, instead of the abandoned asylum, the abandoned mall will become the[...]