


Buried Alive by Jan Bonderson: the perfect bedtime read

Fellow Midnight Society member Jenna's post on Security Coffins had me pawing through my bookshelf to find a book I'd bought a few years ago for story research (if that makes you think my library is questionable, you should see my browser history...). Buried Alive by Jan Bonderson The Terrifying History of Our Most Primal Fear Funny thing is, on the jacket flap, it's also touted as "an engrossing and witty history" that "deserves a place on every bedside table in America". Sounds good to me...but I have a feeling not every one would agree with that suggestion[...]


In love and death: Lizzie Siddal

This story happens by lamplight, under a copse of trees and at the top of a steep hill, predictably under the cover of night when only the most nefarious deeds are done. It's October and the ground is frosted, but there are men at work with spades and shovels, digging into the soil with some ardour, awaiting that telltale sound of metal striking a coffin. If you've ever dug up a grave yourself, I'm certain you'd know it: the timber of the strike changes as the wood buckles, and then splinters. It's an extra bit of give beneath the tool -- the result of the grav[...]