
Warm Bodies


YA Zombie Book Round-up

There's something creepy about zombies. Sure, perhaps it's the carnal rage or unquenchable thirst for your brain. That certainly makes me prefer to never encounter one. I like my brain where it's at, thank you very much. But at the very core, I think it's deeper than that. There's something unsettling about things that should be dead, but did not stay that way. I think that's also why I love ghost stories so much. The Midnight Society member Amy did a YA zombie book round-up that you can spy here, but I want to add to that list with a few of my recent reads. L[...]


What I’m Thankful for: Horror Edition Part 2

It's almost my favorite day of the year...Thanksgiving. Not all of the family will be at the house this year. We'll be missing my sister and brother-in-law, but I'll still have 16 of my loved ones all under the same roof. Cooking for this many is a lot of work, but I still love hosting this celebration. Last week, the planning of this huge dinner was just a label for a new board on Pinterest. Today I type Part 2 of my thankful post with the aroma of pecan pie swirling in the air. Yum! What I'm Thankful for: 6.  The CW I know last week I gave a shout out for the[...]