Yearly Archives



Horror Coloring Books

You know what you need? A collection of horror coloring books. Now is the perfect time to embrace this. It's the holiday season! Time for magic! And stress! *throws glitter, which you now have to clean up* See what I mean? You need a good coloring session. Or possibly a list of gift ideas for your loved ones who could also use some time to unwind. And what could be better for that than these horror coloring books? Forget flowers and ponies, Edgar Allan Poe's raven is where it's at. 9 Horror Coloring Books on The Beauty of Horror, a GOREgeous Color[...]


Giving the Gift of Horror–Novel Addition

I love to receive books as gifts. In fact, I love even more when I've NEVER heard of them. What better than to introduce the reader you love to a new author? I've found five newer horror novels that would make fantastic gifts--there's a little something for everyone. Next week, I'll add a few more ideas for your holiday shopping list. Stay tuned... xoxo, A City of Ash and Red This is a new one for me. Reading the synopsis completely pulled me in. Distinguished for his talents as a rat killer, the nameless protagonist of Hye-young Pyun's City of Ash and Red i[...]


YA Horror in 2019: Dreaming Darkly by Caitlin Kittredge

I tend to spend a lot of time looking through upcoming book lists and was delighted to find this dark diamond. Have you heard of Dreaming Darkly? I hadn't until today but it looks amazing. The below cover and summary are from the Epic Reads website. In fact, the Goodreads blurb, which is slightly different, boasts this novel as "A moody and twisty gothic mystery with an impossible romance, Dreaming Darkly is an atmospheric, fast-paced page-turner written by comics veteran Caitlin Kittredge." Moody and gothic is my middle name (not really, there wasn't enough r[...]


The Horror Of Being Forgotten

As writers, each of us at The Midnight Society have our own reasons for doing what we do. As an escape, to explore new worlds, to make a statement about things going on in the world. However, I’d venture to say that every one of us writes so we can leave a legacy after we’ve gone. And my discovery of photographer Vivian Maier made me reflect on an artist's legacy. DISCOVERING VIVIAN MAIER I was recently introduced to Vivian Maier, who worked as a nanny for over 40 years in Chicago who, in her spare time, took photographs of people and architecture. The remark[...]


Music To Write Scary Stories To: Dance With The Dead

I've written about music a few times here on the blog, and as I've said before, the only thing I love more than horror is music. I try to bring those two loves together as much as I can, which is why many of my stories are littered with musical references. I also love to listen to music while I'm writing, preferably instrumental music. That usually means a lot of video game and horror movie scores. But there are some bands and artists that make for perfect writing music, and one of them is Dance With The Dead. THE SHAPE by DANCE WITH THE DEAD Dance With The Dead[...]


Dear Krampus – Our Horror Holiday Wishlists

Dear Krampus, At this most wonderful time of the year, we at the Midnight Society, have a few humble wishes to make our holiday season extra dark. Dear Krampus, I love Canada. I really do. But the fact that winter lasts 5 to 6 months means I’m going to need some especially creepy things under my tree this year to keep my dark little heart aglow. Here are a few goodies I would love to unwrap this Christmas morning over hot chocolate (extra marshmallows): I may not be able to fly like my bat-minions, but these Black Rubber Bat Wings would make my goth heart[...]


Feel Confident with Your Style

Austin, Tx

Dolor sit amet ipsum varius, ut tempor augue pretium. Fusce esqtese magna, eleifend et enim sit amet, tempor scelerisq condimea massaide massa. Etiam vel iaculis mi, at aliquet urna mas id massa ite purus arcu iaculis nibh, id porta a risus. Ipsum quis posuere dignis sime, metus magna aliquam felis, et scelerisque sem arcu sed lorem. Nullam pretium, purus et pellentesque idt vestibulum. Etiam vel iaculis mi, at aliquet urna mas id massa. ite purus arcu iaculis nibh, id porta a risus. Sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes. Mauris sit amet mas[...]

Shop the Look

Bohemian Wedding Trends for Her

Austin, Tx

Dolor sit amet ipsum varius, ut tempor augue pretium. Fusce esqtese magna, eleifend et enim sit amet, tempor scelerisq condimea massaide massa. Etiam vel iaculis mi, at aliquet urna mas id massa ite purus arcu iaculis nibh, id porta a risus. Ipsum quis posuere dignis sime, metus magna aliquam felis, et scelerisque sem arcu sed lorem. Nullam pretium, purus et pellentesque idt vestibulum. Etiam vel iaculis mi, at aliquet urna mas id massa. ite purus arcu iaculis nibh, id porta a risus. Sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes. Mauris sit amet mas[...]

Shop the Look

Plot Your Novel – Nightmare, or Thrill Ride?

Should you plot your novel, or dive in and pants it? What is the right way to outline? What is a plot, even? “Plot is people. Human emotions and desires founded on the realities of life, working at cross purposes, getting hotter and fiercer as they strike against each other until finally there’s an explosion—that’s Plot.” —Leigh Brackett There are as many ways to write a book as there are books. Notice I said "books", and not writers. Because it is likely that every book you write will be a little different. Sometimes your method for getting it done[...]


A Wonderful Time of Year for Christmas Horror Films

I love watching movies. I have special fondness for Christmas movies of all kinds. Lately, I've been hitting Netflix hard for cheesy holiday films. Now it's time to add in a few horror flicks into the rotation. If you do a search online for "Horror Christmas Movies," quite a few come up. Some are very slasheresque--what with a lot of blood and scantily clothed women.  These aren't really my cup of tea. I do like some substance to my horror and trust me, there are a ton of amazing choices. Although I've chosen just a few, I hope to discover more to share with you[...]