


Creature Feature: Aliens, Do you believe?

Do you believe in aliens? If you are any part human, you have at least wondered about the existence of extraterrestrial life. Maybe your idea of alien lifeforms are cute and cuddly, ala E.T. Or perhaps something more along the lines of the monster from the movie Alien. Maybe you gravitate toward the idea that other planetary life might simply consist of plants and micro-organisms. Whatever the case, the possibility that a being who is not human could occupy the universe is both intriguing and chilling. This is what makes alien books, movies, and TV shows so inter[...]


Horror Writer Interview #3- Jennifer Brinkmeyer

When I first put the call out on Twitter asking for woman horror writers to contact me because I wanted to interview them, I have to say...I didn't expect this turn out. I've learned a lot from these talented ladies. This week's interview focuses on Jennifer Brinkmeyer. She's currently seeking representation for her manuscript: SEED OF BODY. We all wish her the VERY best of luck!   1.  What does the word “horror” mean to you? Horror means being scared by the what-if and the what-would-I do-if. A lot of times I’ll make fun of what’s happening in a[...]


Types of Terror

I wanted to pose a question today: What is your favorite way to be afraid? However, I realized I was going to have to give you some examples to answer the question easily, which brought me back to the famous words of Stephen King (you've probably heard of him, he's kind of a thing). “The 3 types of terror: The Gross-out: the sight of a severed head tumbling down a flight of stairs, it's when the lights go out and something green and slimy splatters against your arm. The Horror: the unnatural, spiders the size of bears, the dead waking up and walking around, it's[...]


Interview With Nikki Rae

Today I'm excited to introduce you to the author, Nikki Rae! She has just recently completed The Sunshine Series, a dark romantic paranormal tale for the new adult crowd. I've followed her online for a few years now, from the beginning of this series, and can tell you that Nikki Rae loves what she does--sharing stories. In only six questions, we cover why she likes to tell dark stories, her fears, Halloween costumes, book recommendations, and what she's working on next! Let's jump in... You write dark, scary, romantic tales. Why do you like to tell these storie[...]


Bad Writing as Inspiration: Happy Birthday to Me!

It’s my birthday today! So, because I love you all very much, I sat down and watched the seriously terrible 1981 slasher film Happy Birthday To Me. It’s bad. Really bad. And not even in that “so bad it’s good way”. Nope, just bad. But the film did leave me thinking about what we can learn from bad writing. By studying the places the script for Happy Birthday to Me went so horribly off the rails, what lessons can we apply to our own stories, particularly within gory tales of suspense and murder? (This review/analysis is going to be full of spoilers, but[...]


You’re Not Afraid of the Dark.

All those silent, watchful things that we grew up with from the time we were children — the stories shared around campfires, at sleepovers,  secrets handed down from older siblings — we grew out of believing they were true, right? There’s nothing behind the cracked door of your closet, open two inches too far to show anything beyond the slat of pitch. There’s nothing under the bed that might reach for your ankles if you slipped from the covers to place your heels on cold floor. And certainly, there’s nothing waiting in your peripheral vision in a darke[...]



Fear. We all feel it, whether it’s a fictitious entity like a killer clown or it’s a psychological one. Fears morph into different beings as we get older, but the heart-pounding, pulse racing feeling we get when scared doesn’t change. My first fear was...dolls. After watching the movie POLTERGIEST in third grade, I was scared to death that my dolls would come to life and drag me under my bed. I know now that I was way too young to watch that movie, but that’s what happens when you have older neighbors with a scramble box. In fact, the fear of dolls is s[...]