
The Ultimate Fear Factor: Dolls

You played with dolls as a child, right? Dolls can be fun… or they can be the ultimate fear factor. You know what I mean. Hard plastic eyes that you could swear are staring at you. So you move to a different place in the room BUT THE EYES FOLLOW. Or, the doll was sitting on the couch. You are SURE it was sitting on the couch but then, why is it on the floor?

I admit, I had a thing about Care Bears when I was young. I swear mine were possessed or something. They moved, they STARED. They were scurry. But now that I’m all grown up, I’m past all that. Yep. Dolls are just, ya know, dolls. Right?

Yeah, right. Check out these:

Scary doll art by Jon Beinart “Toddlerpede” That’s the actual real-life title of this piece. I know. I’m sorry.


I have no idea where this one came from but it looks like it has eaten flesh… without a bib.


Creepy Dolls by Shain Erin: This is what it looks like when your nightmare has a nightmare.


Were you ever creeped out by a doll? Tell us about it.

TA - Midnight Society Signatures

  • Kathy Palm
    June 5, 2014

    Well … it all started with an innocent looking clown doll in Poltergeist. The doll in The Conjuring is totally evil! Once, I went in my daughter’s room and her stuffed unicorn (which totally shouldn’t be scary) was sitting up on her bed, staring at me. I backed away … slowly. My hubs jokes that one morning I will wake up and find my daughter’s American Girl dolls standing on the floor by my bed. I threatened his life if he did that. And the worst nightmare I ever had involved a group of dolls dragging me down the stairs. Seriously, there was no sleeping that night.
    And that final doll pic … um, that image will haunt me forever.
    Great post! Keep life doll-free. *fist bump*

    • T.A. Brock
      Kathy Palm
      June 5, 2014

      Yeah, that last one IS pretty awful. The doll from The Conjuring? Ermagerd. So. Very. Creepy.

  • kirabutler
    June 5, 2014

    Yikes! That last one with the eyes is too much.

    Have you heard of this place? http://www.vocativ.com/culture/photos/welcome-island-dolls-creepiest-place-mexico/

    It’s La Isla de las Muñecas in Mexico. Cannot. Just. Can’t.

    • T.A. Brock
      June 5, 2014

      Omg, NO! That’s really horrible. Are you going to write about that? Because I think that deserves it’s own post.

    • Cait
      June 6, 2014


  • krystal jane
    June 5, 2014

    Just Chucky. Although I had a doll with malfunctioning eyes, one would be wide open and one would close. I hid it in my sister’s room. And I did always face my American Girl doll at an angle away from my bed. Lol! Just in case. 😉 Every do often I’d dip her and make sure the lids were still functioning.

    Why on earth did someone make those dolls? Especially the first one.

    • T.A. Brock
      krystal jane
      June 5, 2014

      And did that American Girl doll ever end up facing you ON ITS OWN??? Just wondering. 😉 😉

      • krystal jane
        T.A. Brock
        June 5, 2014

        Ha, ha! No. ^_^ Still have her too. Still facing away. Lol!

        • T.A. Brock
          krystal jane
          June 5, 2014

          As long as she stays facing away like a good little dolly.

  • Cait
    June 6, 2014

    I. Love. Creepy. Dolls.

    Someday, I will have a whole room of them.

    I find their staring very calming.

    But then… I can be a little creepy doll myself sometimes.

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