


Death Scenes and Dioramas: The Crime Scenes of Frances Glessner Lee

Steps from the White House, hanging from a red brick building lit from below like someone holding a flashlight under their chin to tell a ghost story, the banner read, “Murder Is Her Hobby.” Well now. I was instantly drawn in to Renwick Gallery and Murder Is Her Hobby: Frances Glessner Lee and The Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death, an exhibit that highlights her contributions to forensic science and delightfully macabre craftwork. In a time when women were expected to pursue ladylike hobbies, Frances Glessner Lee (1878-1962) directed her money[...]


The Haunting of Sunshine Girl

I started a book, and I haven't finished it yet, but I have to tell you about a girl named Sunshine. The Haunting of Sunshine Girl is a young adult horror book by Paige McKenzie, the first in a series. You can find it on Amazon. Blurb: "Shortly after her sixteenth birthday, Sunshine Griffith and her mother, Kat, move from sunny Austin, Texas, to the rain-drenched town of Ridgemont, Washington. From the moment they arrive, Sunshine feels her world darken with an eeriness she cannot place. Something about their new house is just...creepy. In the days that fol[...]


GIFspirations: The Other Post

A few aeons ago my best friend and I would jog together. Now I am no runner, but I could jog nice and slow and it wasn't that awful. Usually. Some days it was even great. But other days, ugh. It was rough. Maybe it was something I ate. Maybe it was dehydration, but something pushed me down. Physically. Mentally and emotionally I was ready to run, but once in a while...it was what my friend still refers to the five-ton man run. To her, it felt like she had a five ton man on her back. That's me today. Not for running, but writing. This post has had me dragging[...]


Book Review: THE STUMPS OF FLATTOP HILL by Ken Lamug

Ken Lamug's THE STUMPS OF FLATTOP HILL brings a long-overdue disturbance to the picture book arena. The cover alone promised me things that I was desperate for the story to keep. And keep them, it did. THE STUMPS OF FLATTOP HILL is an otherworldly cautionary picture book in which dear little Florence accepts a dare to face perils unknown but ends up Doing Something Else And That Is All I Will Say On The Plot Because Reasons. If you want more, go here or here.  What I love about Lamug's storytelling is that it's done in fluctuating rhythm[...]


Interview: Aaron Mahnke

Hello, kittens!   I have an extra special post for you all to feast your peepers on. First of all, I want to congratulate the winner of my First Post Giveaway....Hay Farris!! I'll track you down and start building you the coolest package ever. If that's not exciting enough, I'm a beyond thrilled to have Aaron Mahnke on the blog today! If you don't know Aaron, not only does he write incredible supernatural thrillers, but he is the creator/host/producer/king of the podcast LORE. (I'll wait while you frantically listen to all the episodes your day allows. I[...]


Real Life True Horror

A real-life creepy thing happened to me today. It JUST happened so naturally my skin is still crawling. I should share it with you. I'm sure in time I will but man... I've been freaked out ALL DAY. It got me thinking about real-life creepy things. About true horror stories. About tales with twists and turns that sound absolutely like a nightmare...but they aren't. They are real life. One of the coolest things about horror movies and horror novels is that we can stands by and watch something utterly terrifying in the safety of our rooms, couches, or blan[...]


Ghosts, Zombies, and… Faeries?

Horror takes many forms. From the guy with an ax in the woods, to the inner workings of an insane mind, to monsters in the closet. But what about faeries? And I'm not talking Tinkerbell, even though in the book her temper is a little scary. I'm referring to the Fae. Ummm... scary? Most of them play tricks,  cause problems. Some merely desire to trap humans. But others want to devour people. I offer three movies brought to you by the epic Guillermo del Toro, featuring Fae that will certainly make you think twice about stepping into a mushroom ring.  [...]


Horror in Unfamiliar Territory: The Reddit Resources

Once upon a time when this creepy lady first met her honeybunch (hereafter known as HB for simplicity's sake), they discovered that they shared many geeky things in common and affection blossomed over text messages and in the depths of the blanket forts they built together to watch movies. He liked the Avengers and she liked the X-Men. He wrote code and she designed interfaces. They both enjoyed fiery Indian food and even though he didn't like horror movies, he curled up with her to watch The Babadook for the first time. Their blanket forts became architectural[...]


Horror? But You Seem So Nice…

The strange and dark things that exist in my mind surprise people. I seem so nice. So innocent. Well, not exactly. For my first post here with The Midnight Society (EEEEEEKK!) I want to introduce myself... or more specifically the dark side of myself. The weird, the fantastic, the scary have always drawn me to gaze into the shadows, to look under the bed and in the closet, well, maybe not the closet. Let's not go crazy. There are monsters in there. Seriously, you know that, right? My love of horror began long ago. Books like 'The Spell of the Sorcerer's Sk[...]


The Glass Casket, a Gothic Horror tale

As 2015 begins, I can’t help but reflect on my favorite books of 2014. Probably one of the most influential was The Glass Casket by McCormick Templeman, a Gothic Horror wrapped very neatly inside the structure of a fairy tale. Like most Gothics, the story is set in an exotic place. Though we don't have the Gothic castle, we do have the snowy and isolated village of Nag’s End where our heroine, Rowan Rose, lives with her father, Henry Rose, and their maid, Emily. On the opening page, death has come to Nag’s End, when some strange beast attacks a group of sold[...]