
Hidden Gem: The Loved Ones

Hidden Gem 2

Here’s the next installment of Hidden Gem. There are so many great horror movies out there—both domestic and foreign—that don’t get the love they deserve, usually because they don’t fall under the mainstream film category (like say the Friday the 13th movie franchise or Scream does).

So for my second post on Hidden Gem, I’m focusing another favorite of mine: The Loved Ones.

Hidden Gem: The Loved Ones

This is another film that I discovered thanks to Bree Ogden. This is a film that you either have to luck into on TV or buy. Or, if you’re in Canada, it’s on Canadian Netflix (though not American Netflix, I don’t know why).

The Loved Ones is an Australian Horror movie, which is another reason I love it I think. I spent the first year out of undergrad in Sydney, and my mom’s side of the family is from the great Oz. This is a take on a small town in Australia that has one really, really crazy family in it.

Meet Lola:

The Loved Ones

She is not a very well adjusted girl, and if you ever scorn her advances … it’s not good. Then you’ll get to meet her daddy, and her daddy is not someone you want to meet.

But that’s exactly what Brent does. When Lola asks him to a school dance, he politely declines because he’s already going to the dance—with his girlfriend. Shocker. Except, Lola doesn’t take no very well.

Warning: this movie is a bit on the gory side and it takes about half hour to really get started. I don’t mean to say nothing happens in the first half hour—lots of things do—but the true horror and craziness of it all happens later in the movie. And when it happens, it’ll blow your mind.

Movie Trailer:


Have you seen The Loved Ones? What’s your favorite underly-famous horror flick?

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