Hello, Kittens!
I have a surprise for you all! So you guys obviously know how much I love podcasts, specifically The Black Tapes If you haven’t listened to The Black Tapes before, head over to their website and check it out. It is awesome. In fact, I love it so much I may or may not write Alex/Strand fanfiction. (Spoiler alert: I totally do). So it gives me immense pleasure to welcome Alex and Nic to the blog!!
First off, I’m dying to know how have your lives changed since you’ve started delving into the paranormal? Are you more weary of the sounds coming out of your basement or the shadows in the corner of your eye?
We wouldn’t say our lives have changed except in the fact that we’re getting to produce something we’re very proud of and to which people have responded quite well. Some on our staff have reported some strange incidents, but we think it has more to do with a lack of sleep from our schedules than anything else.
Since you guys are receiving so many letters and emails about possible black tapes cases from listeners, are there any plans for episodes or a spin-off podcast that delves into them? (Aside from the Strand Letters)
All of the paranormal reports go straight to The Strand Institute, though Strand’s assistant, Ruby Carver, manages to forward some real creepy cases to us that we include in our monthly newsletter (for our patreon patrons).
This question is for Alex, is there any part of you that believes Strand had something to do with his wife’s disappearance?
Sorry, but this is something I’d rather not answer at this time.
Do either of you regret approaching Strand in the first place? Or any part of this experience?
We love producing The Black Tapes so there are no regrets on our parts. However, we do have some complicated feelings surrounding the death of the housekeeper, Maddie. Rationally, we understand that The Black Tapes couldn’t be to blame, but that doesn’t make it any easier. We were both quite shaken by the experience.
This question is for Nic, what is the toughest decision you’ve had to make as a producer?
I think it would have to be the decision to get Pacific Northwest Stories back up and running, and then committing to telling these stories the way we really wanted to tell them.
What has been the most disturbing part of this whole experience?
Easily, the discovery of Maddie’s body in her apartment.
Alex, now that you’ve heard the Unsound, are you worried about your fabled 2016 expiration date?
Yes. Kind of.
This is a question on behalf of our resident techie: What equipment / software do you guys use to record the podcast? Are you set up at home or in a studio?
We use Rode Procasters and EV20 mics in the studio, a Zoom H5 in the field, a Mackie board, a That-2 phone tap and a couple of other condenser mics on occasion.
Thank you, Alex and Nic! I’m even more excited for the rest of season two now!! And thank you so much to the executive producers, Paul Bae and Terry Miles, for putting me in touch with Alex and Nic. You can check out their Patreon Page here and find out all sorts of spooky goodies.
Until next, next week….