Happy New Year! With the new year comes more Midnight Society Movie Nights! This month I will be watching and live-tweeting The Witch in the Window! Come join in the fun of…
Poster for the 2018 movie The Witch in the Window
Written and directed by Andy Mitton, The Witch in the Window released in November of 2018, and I haven’t seen it.
BUT I GOT SHUDDER TV FOR CHRISTMAS! I haven’t had time to delve into the wonders of creepy that this will allow me, but I shall soon. SOOOOON!
When I do, I’m going to enjoy all the horror and share it with you, because I’m nice that way. Horror friends are the best friends! Let’s begin my journey into the land of Shudder with this movie!
A friend recommended that I see The Witch in the Window, so why not live-tweet the experience for everyone’s entertainment?
You’re welcome.
Ghosts are my favorite, so I’m always game for a haunted house movie, especially one with a story of family. I love old houses and love when horror taps into emotions. I’m hoping for all the feels and plenty of atmosphere and to be mesmerized by the need to know what is happening and why. Hopefully images and thoughts will haunt me days later.
The only way to get all those things is to watch, so join me for The Witch in the Window, and let’s discover exactly what this movie offers in the realm of spooky.
Friday, January 31st, find me on Twitter at 9 EST #MidnightSocietyMovieNight and #TheWitchintheWindow for a fantastically frightful time! Bring popcorn, chocolate, and your comfiest jammies and watch with me! Tweet along, for watching scary movies with friends makes me happy, or you can always read my numerous tweets as I fall into the world of movies…dark movies. Come with me, if you dare.
Cheers and nightmares,