We’ve all heard it, read it on social media…possibly said it… Don’t go see that horror movie. It isn’t scary.
It bothers me that a vague comment can send us spiraling into doubt. We get sad and disappointed before we even see it, and who needs that?
I posted on FB that I was super excited to go see the new movie Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. Someone commented, informing me that her teenage girls saw it and said it wasn’t scary, so she wasn’t going to waste her time.
I have been looking forward to this movie. I STILL WANT to see this movie. But after the comment, I started to question whether I should go see it in the theaters.
Well, I’m going.
So let’s talk about why I’m not heeding the warning, why telling me that “it isn’t scary” doesn’t cut it.
Scary, a simple little word, and yet isn’t simple at all.
It means something different for everyone. Are you hoping to scream and jump out of your seat, possibly throw popcorn on your neighbor? Possibly visuals that will creep into your brain and stay there forever is your wish. Are you hoping for stomach-squirming-disturbing? Maybe you want your brain to crawl right out of your head from some unseen plot twist.
We all have expectations when we see a movie, and horror fans can be tough customers. We like what we like, and we don’t all like the same stuff. And that’s fine. It’s great! That’s why the horror world is so awesome.
Horror is so much more than scary, making us face what’s truly dark in ourselves. Maybe you didn’t scream or hide under your seat, but maybe you saw a bit of yourself you hadn’t seen before. A good horror movie can make you see the world in a different way, make you question, or climb under your skin and change you.
After you see a horror movie, tell me what worked for you and what didn’t. Tell me if it messed with your head. Tell me if it played with your emotions. Tell me how deep the themes went. Tell me about any images permanently engraved in your mind.
Don’t tell me it isn’t scary.
Cheers and nightmares,