


NaNoWriMo: On Finishing

Alright guys, we’ve finally made it to the final stretch! We’ve finished 3 weeks of writing furiously and we’ve got just one week left to finish it out. I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve had a LOT of feelings so far in this process. There’s been a lot of: And also some: and: There’s even been a little: But the best parts have been: And those are the parts that make this whole thing worth it. If you’re like me you’ve still got quite a bit of writing left to do, but you can see the finish line out there in the distance. Any[...]


NaNoWriMo… The Fear is Real

We’re celebrating NaNoWriMo this week at The Midnight Society. Because, let’s be honest…it can get a little scary. I am not participating. I have never attempted the crazy race to write 50,000 words in one month. Dude, that’s insane. So I have been watching the tweets and FB posts as the month progresses and cheering you on, because you’re nuts and by nuts I mean FANTASTICALLY CRAZY AWESOME! The month began with hope and planning, with excitement and readiness to write all the words. However, the excitement has faded. Word counts vary from ahead of[...]


Writing Bloody NaNo Week 3

It's week #3 of NaNo, so let the craziness continue! This week should be full of writing the middle 1/3 of your novel. This is often the hardest part, but can also be the most fun to write! In horror--whether it be a novel or movie--I look forward to this part. I mean, this is where the tension should be really high and I should be scared out of my wits (think Michael Meyers stalking and beginning to kill the friends of Jaime Lee Curtis). While watching the middle is fun, writing it can be really difficult. This is where all the doubts come flying in. It's[...]


5 Tips to Writing Horror for NaNoWriMo

Currently for NaNoWriMo, Brian and I are writing our new series, ORCHARD POINTE #1. Without giving too much away (though Brian did give away a few more hints today...that's right Brian. I see you.), it’s a young adult novel series that was inspired by some of our favorite creepy movies and novels and television shows and our HUGE imaginations. Currently we are sitting over 30,000 words, and if I’m being honest, it’s mainly due to the unwavering dedication of my incredible writing partner Brian LeTendre. I am so proud of our book. I really can't explain it o[...]


11 Years of #NaNoWriMo: Lessons I’ve Learned

I've participated in NaNoWriMo eight times since 2004. Each novel has taught me about writing and what it means to be a writer. This November, I'm giving thanks for all I've learned.  Caveat: Lest you think these titles are oddly fragmented, know that I don't release my actual titles online. These are just placeholders:) 2004: I can write 50,000 words in a month. To Live On was YA at its sappiest. If anyone ever reads it, I will die of shame. It doesn't deserve to even have been written, but it was. Anyone can be a writer, and they can write anything they wan[...]


Writing Bloody NaNo Edition

Because it’s Nano, I’d like to focus all writing questions this week on writing a lot of words in a short amount of time. So, here is what I’d like for you to think about and answer for my post next week… Do you know how many words you are able to write in an hour? Do you edit as you write or are you able to fast draft? If you fast draft—how the hell are you able to just dismiss punctuation? I’d love to learn to write like this, so any thoughts you have will help:) If you are a planner, how long did it take you to outline your book before you cou[...]



Please forgive me if today’s post is a short, hot mess. I’ve spent the past week participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and today was a long, writing filled day. You might have noticed that Amy’s Writing Bloody Post this week was about her 2015 NaNoWriMo plan. Or maybe you’ve seen the hashtags #NaNoWriMo or #DoubleUpDay trending on twitter? One thing is for sure, if you are anywhere on the Internet where writers hang out, you’ve heard about NaNoWriMo. But what exactly is NaNoWriMo? In the simplest of terms it is a month where all[...]


Writing Bloody- NaNoWriMo Style

Well, another October here and gone. And now it's November. I'm not quite sure where the time went, but I'm planning Thanksgiving dinner which is incredibly important. But there's also another reason to celebrate...NaNoWriMo. BTW, I suck at NaNo. I've never won. Never finished a manuscript in a month. Have I stressed myself out during NaNo? Um, yup. BUT NOT THIS YEAR! This year WILL be different. Mostly because I have a different attitude about my writing. There will be no sucking at NaNo this year. And there are a few reasons why. 1.  Because I'm not[...]