


9th Annual #Spookyshowcase call for submissions – These deadly curses

I'm delighted to announce, in collaboration with The Midnight Society, the 9th annual Halloween showcase: THESE DEADLY CURSES. The #SpookyShowcase is an annual tradition to celebrate autumn, October, and all things spooky. What is the #SpookyShowcase? The Spooky Showcase supports the clever minds of creatives around the world through short stories, artistic creations, and more. This showcase is known to celebrate October magic, the macabre, and horror-inspired work. What is this year's theme? This year’s theme is These Deadly Curses. All submission[...]


Happy Camp NaNoWriMo! Keep writing, writing, writing!

It's April 2nd, which means that many of you participating in Camp NaNoWriMo have been working on your book or your project for two days already! Or erm, if you're like me, you really haven't started yet because of the weekend and um, yeah, I should probably get on that. First off, CONGRATULATIONS on taking the next step to make your creative project a reality if you are participating and already signed up. Secondly, if you haven't checked out NaNoWriMo, you should! It's a great way to start the project you've been wanting to work on and creating excellent writ[...]


Where to Query Your MG Horror Novel (Part 2)

The Where to Query series is now off to a running start and if I'm lucky, I'll have about as many addendums to this as there are Land Before Time movies. I wanted to do this because sometimes your eyes start to cross when you're researching agents. I know that sometimes I find myself wishing that someone would just make a list for me. So, here you go friends. A magical list put together just for your middle grade horror novel!   I've written one post previously on this, titled: Where to Query Your YA Horror Novel. That post is helpful for anyone to re[...]


Where to Query Your YA Horror Novel (Part 1)

I have a campy YA horror novel that is struggling to find a home. The market isn't as strong for YA horror as it is for say, contemporary romance. I know what you're thinking--but what about authors like R.L. Stine or Stephen King? Darling, they are outliers. Sometimes when I go to ALA or other conventions and ask publishing houses about current YA horror that I should have on my radar, they're not as quick to have recommendations for me as they are for other genres.  Not always, of course. Sometimes they grace me with a zillion recommendations and it's love[...]


5 Tips to Writing Horror for NaNoWriMo

Currently for NaNoWriMo, Brian and I are writing our new series, ORCHARD POINTE #1. Without giving too much away (though Brian did give away a few more hints today...that's right Brian. I see you.), it’s a young adult novel series that was inspired by some of our favorite creepy movies and novels and television shows and our HUGE imaginations. Currently we are sitting over 30,000 words, and if I’m being honest, it’s mainly due to the unwavering dedication of my incredible writing partner Brian LeTendre. I am so proud of our book. I really can't explain it o[...]