Good Morning, Kittens!
What a beautiful day to be alive. Speaking of being alive, one of our very own is celebrating a birthday today!
Since I’m relatively new to the Society, I asked Kim to help me out with a little birthday bio for Timon . I was going to sum it up for you, but I love the way she described Timon, and I think he’ll like it too:
He is a southern boy, born and raise. Catholic. God loving. Very smart dude. Loves horror. Currently in grad school to make horror video games ideally. Loves philosophy, and big theme guy. Don’t write a book with no thought of theme and give it to him to read and expect not to get lectured about there being no clear theme. And he likes Japanese Whiskey.
I don’t think any of us could’ve done Timon justice the way Kim did.
Anyhoo, since we’re spread out across the continent, we thought it’d be fun to have a virtual party for you, Timon! We have an Amazon Gift Card for you too!
I’d like to set the mood with a little party music.
Not a fan of classical?
How about some Sunn O))) ? Just…don’t listen to it if you’re all alone.
I know how much all you writerly types like your alcohol, so here you go.
Here are some spooky libations to really get the fun started. Drink up! The magician we’ve hired gets better with every cup you down of that steaming goop.
Drink up my pretties! Drink until you die!
If you want to see where I found these inspiring drinks, look here.
A birthday isn’t a birthday without CAKE!!!!! Something sweet and tasty, possibly horror flavored.
Happy birthday, Timon!
Food, Hannibal Style
(I bet you can’t guess for the life of you who did this part of the post, ammmmright?)
So, we all adore you oh so much we went out and kidnapped Mads!Hannibal and got him to cook you a feast. We cannot, however, confirm that it was a non-human feast, but a little cannibalism never hurt anyone, now did it? Except, you know, maybe the person Hannibal killed. But, that’s not our problem atm.
So, Hannibal slaved over a feast for you.
Then we all get to enjoy watching him do things
*other Midnight Society members drag Kim away from Hannibal and all the gifs*
Birthday Gifts
We know you’ve already read every horror novel that’s ever been written, so we had to head over to comics for some birthday reading.
You could explore the deadly reaches of space…
Cast a spell or two…
Visit rural Wisconsin for a little R&R with the recently revived…
Or maybe spend the apocalypse with our alien overlords.
Misc. Party Guests

How many are you today, Timon?

We’ve got your back, Timon.
And last but not least…
A party ain’t a party without a little bit of entertainment. I mean, we considered getting a magician, but that’s lame. We’re mature. We’re sophisticated. So obviously, we got you a clown.
Happy birthday! 🙂
Oh. And a little bad news. You may enter this party, but you can never leave.
Then again, would you really want to? We’re the life of the graveyard!
Happy Birthday Timon!
Thank you guys so much!! This made my day!
TimonHappy birthday Timon!!!