It’s that time again.
It came to our attention that we have a death and birthday to celebrate!
We’ve done our seance and the spirits have spoken. This is what they want us to tell you!
Happy Birthday Amy!
We have a special message from the Demogorgon.
See his message below.
Amy, you’re such a sweet, kind, talented woman. I consider myself beyond lucky to have a friend like you. I hope you do something nice for yourself. You deserve it!
In order to properly celebrate, here’s a recipe I found for Halloween (Hallowine) sangria! You can find the full recipe here! Enjoy! <3 Jolene
Happy Birthday, Amy!
We know you’ve been working really hard lately, so for you birthday we want you to get a nice slice of cake,
Pour a glass of your favorite wine
And curl up with a good book.
Hope your birthday is a relaxing one!
AMY!!!!! For your birthday I thought we’d go on a little vacation.
We could get a great group together for a party!
Magic tricks!
We’ll even sing to you!
Some of the guests might get a little unruly…
We might need to bring a few weapons…prepare for a fight…
But hey, what an unforgettable party that would be! And…
Love, Kathy

Happy Birthday Creepy Lady! <3 TDG
Happy Birthday Amy!
Faith McKay
I’m late to the party, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY!!!
Krystal Jane
Yay! Hope Amy had a great birthday!!