
Happy Birthday Kathy!

2020 is over but our celebration for Kathy is not.

We’re celebrating all year long!

Who is Kathy?

photo by Gail Werner 2017

Besides a total badass, you mean? Kathy is a self-described cat-herder, book reader, and YA fantasy writer by day. She’s also the author of Perfection (published by DIN), Click (featured on deadlyeverafter), What Lurks in the Darkness (published by Hocus Pocus & Co.), Within the Plum Attic (from anthology Murder They Wrote), and more!

Most recently, you probably recognize Kathy as the author of The Path, from Burial Day Books newest release Gothic Blue Book Vol VI: A Krampus Carol.

A Very Magical Birthday

Today we’re celebrating Kathy. Put on your best winter coat and let’s go deep into the woods. Follow the stars and the moon if you’re not sure where to go. They’ll lead the way.

You’ll know you’re on the right path when you see the fairy dust. Just keep going. It glows in the moonlight after all.

You might need a candle or some sort of flame. The woods are cold, dark, and deep and you’ll be traveling for a while before you get to where you need to go.

You’ll know you’ve gotten there when you see all of the members of the Midnight Society dancing under the tree. We’ll be the ones in flowing gowns or crowns made from poison flowers.

After we adorn Kathy with a flower crown. After all, Kathy is as lovely as all the flowers in the world.

After that, we’ll serve the cake! No good celebration is ever complete without snacks.

We can’t forget the libations either! Something with a dash of fairy dust, edible fruits and flowers, and a yummy nectar served in a beautiful cup.

Here my darlings, drink up!

Kathy, we love you so much and appreciate you so much. I am in awe of your hard work, dedication to the writing craft, and to your positive energy you bring into the world. We are more than lucky to know you! Happy Birthday Kathy!


The New Year brings to mind so many wishes and for you, my friend, I wish one very important thing

That when you look up the stars at night, you not only see their magic, but the magic they instill in you. YOU are magic. YOU are wondrous. YOU are a light that shines on all those around you and I hope you can recognize that light within you.

If you can’t, and on those days when the light seems dim, look to us, your Midnight Society family, because the light we try to put out into the world (even though it is tinged with shadows and spooky things), is a reflection of the magic within each of us, that we share with one another – that same magic that comes from you!

Love you so much, Kath!

~ Mare ~

Happy Birthday, Kathy!



Las Vegas 2016
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Happy birthday, Kathy! I’ve loved having you as a subbing buddy this year, and I love your writing. You write whimsical stories that go to such bloody places. I wanted to share a little video I caught of you chasing your readers with haunting, terrible images.

I’m glad you had a happy birthday, and I hope your new year is filled with fairy dust and dreadful ideas, because I can’t wait to read what you come up with next.

Love, Vicki

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The Midnight Society

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