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Nobody Loves Halloween More Than Tumblr

Today I'm going to talk about a more modern Halloween tradition: Tumblr! Nobody loves Halloween more than Tumblr, and every year, Tumblr pulls out all the stops. It's the go to social media for all your creepy gif needs. Are you ready to add some greatness to your dashboard? The Midnight Society Tumblr Stephanie Bayles (Artist of AMAZING Spooky gifs!) Debbie Sketchblog I'm linking you right to the stuff tagged "my art". Again with the great spooky original gif art! Ghostess With the Mostest Orange Pumpkins and Black Cats The Pumpkin Queenn Halloween and[...]


Lipstick & Zombies: Rockin’ the Apocalypse

It's not often that a writer can pin down the exact moment they came up with the idea for their book or series, but I can, because it was on twitter. Yes, The Spice Girls were very big in the 1980s. *headdesk* AND THERE IT IS. I was kidding when I hit tweet. But then it wheedled its way into my thoughts. What would that story look[...]


Ghosts Have Feelings Too

  When it's late at night and you can't sleep, does your past ever snuggle under the covers, and haunt you? Do you think about embarrassing things you've done, or people you miss? Do you ever feel haunted? “In one aspect, yes, I believe in ghosts, but we create them. We haunt ourselves.” ― Laurie Halse Anderson, Wintergirls I love a good ghost story, and I've noticed that there are some very emotional ghosts out there. They're stuck in their pasts. They're often stuck on one thing that happened to them, and they're after the living for that reason.[...]


Catch Up on the Evil Dead Tweet Alongs #OctFearFest

To kick off October Fear Fest at The Midnight Society, Brian LeTendre hosted a live tweet of Sam Raimi's 1981 classic, EVIL DEAD. You can follow Brian on twitter @SeeBrianWrite, and follow @Mdnight_Society and #OctFearFest for more activities throughout October! [View the story "EVIL DEAD LIVE TWEET 9/30/15 #OctFearFest" on Storify] Join Brian for the tweet along of Evil Dead 2 with the hashtag #OctFearFest![...]


Horror History: Laughing in the Face of Danger

Welcome to The Midnight Society’s #OctFearFest! You can't deny laughter; when it comes, it plops down in your favorite chair and stays as long as it wants. - Stephen King When I sit down to think of the history of horror, lots of stuff comes into my mind (Frankenstein, of course) but if there's a type of horror I love best, it's comedy horror. There's nothing better than looking at something terrifying, and having a laugh. I'm sure that when people were first on this planet they were out there clubbing their dinner and laughing over the spray of blood, so the h[...]


Harrowed is Here! #WoodsviewMurders

Journalism Rule #1: Always report the story. Never become the story. Avery Blair has accepted the fact that nothing exciting ever happens in her small town of Woodsview, Massachusetts. As the editor of the high school blog, she prays for something—anything—to come along that would make for a great headline. When Beatrice Thompson’s body is found in the girls’ bathroom, Avery has her biggest story ever. The rumors circulating the school say that Beatrice took her own life, but Avery doesn't believe it for a second. Her instincts prove true when the next[...]


Victor Frankenstein: Meet Your Makers

Somehow, despite being endlessly excited for the upcoming Victor Frankenstein movie (starring Daniel Radcliffe and James McAvoy, two of my favorites!) I have yet to post about it on The Midnight Society. If you haven't heard about it, this may actually be a blessing, because we still have to wait until November 25th for this to hit theaters. So long! But, still. You need to be informed of its glory. Here's the poster... LOVE! And here is the pretty, pretty trailer. *pets the screen* It's been ages since they've[...]


Birthdays and Serial Killers and Books! Oh My!

Today is a very special day, because today is the creator of The Midnight Society's birthday! That's right, it's the anniversary of Jolene Haley's entrance to this realm. This lady is relentlessly supportive, so I thought we should celebrate her existence by being supportive right back! One month from now, on September 22nd, you'll be able to read the very first novel in The Woodsview Murders series, Harrowed. It's been cowritten by Jolene Haley and Brian LeTendre (another member of The Midnight Society!) Haven't heard about it? Here are the details: Journal[...]


Lipstick & Zombies Cover Reveal

Hello, Midnighters! I've mentioned that I'm working on a series of zombie books a few times on here, and today I finally get to tell you about it, AND show you the cover! Lipstick & Zombies is the first book in the Deadly Divas series, and it will be available on August 27th. I've already made progress on books 2 and 3, so they'll be out very soon, too--no worrying about a long wait with the Deadly Divas. If you're excited to check out this series, make sure to check out the link below to get a free sampler of Lipstick & Zombies (as well as my husband's[...]