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Happy Birthday Mary!

Happy Birthday to one of the coolest cats around! Mary, today we celebrate you!!! All of the spirits got together and planned something special because we think you're amazing, creative, and so resourceful. You also are wonderfully spooky in the best possible way...After all, you do drink iced coffee out of a skull in the morning and that is some serious spooky commitment. If you want to check out more of Mary's spooky writing to celebrate her birthday, visit the freebies on her newly designed website or check out her Patreon.   Happy Happy Happy Bi[...]


Happy Birthday Brian!

We all know him as the unstoppable force of good, fighting evil daily with his talents like writing, podcasting, wild puns, and knowledge of 80's hair metal. But today we shall also know him as BIRTHDAY BOY! Happy Birthday Brian. And in order to properly celebrate, we decided to throw you a concert. Enjoy!     I called up Quiet Riot to see if they'd be willing to open this music festival and they agreed--one one condition. We held the first part of the event at an abandoned insane asylum. What could go wrong...right? Get ready to bang your head![...]


YA Zombie Book Round-up

There's something creepy about zombies. Sure, perhaps it's the carnal rage or unquenchable thirst for your brain. That certainly makes me prefer to never encounter one. I like my brain where it's at, thank you very much. But at the very core, I think it's deeper than that. There's something unsettling about things that should be dead, but did not stay that way. I think that's also why I love ghost stories so much. The Midnight Society member Amy did a YA zombie book round-up that you can spy here, but I want to add to that list with a few of my recent reads. L[...]


#PrideMonth Reading List: Scary Books and Authors Part 1

This June, we wanted to recognize LGBTQ+ communities by celebrating our own way—with scary books. Give us all the scary, spooky, creepy, and atmospheric books. Add some amazing books to your TBR list by reading books by and/or about LGBTQ+ people. What is #PrideMonth? A little background... Every June, Pride Month is celebrated across the United States to commemorate the Stonewall Riots and to celebrate and fight for equal rights for all people. The Stonewall Riots happened in June 1969 in New York City's Greenwich Village. Christopher Street Liberation Da[...]


Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes are Coming! The Midnight Society Makeover.

We celebrated something special this year. You probably saw the post, but on March 17, 2018, The Midnight Society turned four years old! So many blogs don't last a year. I remember when I dreamt up the idea, I was certain that no one would care and certainly no one would want to join...I love it when I'm wrong. Currently we have 9 incredible contributors, over 110,000 unique all time views, and a dedicated readership that we so appreciate. To celebrate, we are re-vamping the site. Soon you will notice a new look for The Midnight Society, new events, and a new[...]


Book Alert: Holding Smoke by Elle Cosimano (from Disney Hyperion)

Sometimes you hear a book name and it catches your attention. When I was flipping through a book listing for Disney Hyperion, I saw Holding Smoke. It's listed as a young adult mystery / thriller, which of course, when I saw that I knew I had to dive deeper. After I read the blurb, I immediately ordered a copy. Have you heard of Holding Smoke by Elle Cosimano? School Library Connection calls it "Part ghost story, part redemption story, part mystery, and very engaging." I call it HURRY UP AMAZON I NEED THIS NOW.   HOLDING SMOKE by Elle Cosimano John "Smoke[...]


Book Alert: City of Saints & Thieves by Natalie C. Anderson

Usually I try to let you know when I hear about or see an amazing new book. Today I heard about one coming out soon that I can't stop thinking about, so naturally I wanted to share it with you here. It's a murder mystery that I've read described as The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo meets Gone Girl OR Ocean’s Eleven meets Blood Diamond. It's written by Natalie C. Anderson. You can check out her Goodreads profile here.   Reader, meet the City of Saints & Thieves!   ABOUT CITY OF SAINTS & THIEVES The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo meets [...]


Happy Camp NaNoWriMo! Keep writing, writing, writing!

It's April 2nd, which means that many of you participating in Camp NaNoWriMo have been working on your book or your project for two days already! Or erm, if you're like me, you really haven't started yet because of the weekend and um, yeah, I should probably get on that. First off, CONGRATULATIONS on taking the next step to make your creative project a reality if you are participating and already signed up. Secondly, if you haven't checked out NaNoWriMo, you should! It's a great way to start the project you've been wanting to work on and creating excellent writ[...]


Where to Query Your MG Horror Novel (Part 2)

The Where to Query series is now off to a running start and if I'm lucky, I'll have about as many addendums to this as there are Land Before Time movies. I wanted to do this because sometimes your eyes start to cross when you're researching agents. I know that sometimes I find myself wishing that someone would just make a list for me. So, here you go friends. A magical list put together just for your middle grade horror novel!   I've written one post previously on this, titled: Where to Query Your YA Horror Novel. That post is helpful for anyone to re[...]


Happy 4th Birthday to The Midnight Society! + Giveaway

Today, the Midnight Society is four years old. I can hardly believe it. This started as a passion project secret society for people who are enamored with oddities and treasures, screams and scares, and an attraction to wonderfully dark things. Our vision was to create a place for creepy photos, real life ghost stories, cemetery visits, horror books, and anything we found lurking in the darkness.   You can see our first post ever here that introduced the Winchester mansion, on St. Patrick's day in 2014. I thought we'd celebrate in a few ways today. One[...]