


WHY ARE YOU AFRAID OF THAT? The Origin of Our Fears

Not just any fears, but yours. What are you afraid of? Why? There are irrational fears, of course, things that just make us quiver for no reason at all. Then...then there are those real life things that have affected us. A snake bite causes a fear of snakes. A fall creates a fear of heights. Then there are the things that never would have crossed our minds to fear...until we saw it in a movie or read it in a book. That big tree outside your window was fine, until you watched POLTERGEIST. No reason to fear your dreams, until Freddy. Summer camp? No big deal, un[...]


The Tale of The Happenstance Horrigin

When I learned our theme for December was horror origins, my first thought was to my own. Not to the fascinating origins of genre or admirable authors or filmmakers, but to me. My own. My precious, precious origin in horror. Horror origin. A horroigin, if you will. What is my horrigin and how did it get me here, to the incredible support network that is the writers and readers of The Midnight Society? And then I realized, too few people know the whole story. So. Submitted for the approval of The Midnight Society, I call this story The Tale of the Happensta[...]


Join us this October for #SocietyScreams!

Nobody does Halloween like The Midnight Society. It's the most wonderful time of the year! Most of us, myself included, spend all year waiting for it to be October again. It's our time. If you've followed us for long, you know that we turn it up every October. Lots of great blog posts, themed weeks, tons of fun on twitter! You won't want to miss any of it. Here's an idea of what you have to look forward to:   Keep up with us on twitter and use the hashtag, #SocietyScreams! Yes, you are seeing that calendar right! We'll be posting about October history,[...]


Seeing Double

Good Morning, Kittens!     It's the most wonderful time of the year!! If you live somewhere like me (Ohhhh Canada), you're probably already feeling that fall chill even though it's technically only the second day of the best motherfluffing season of the year. I don't know about you, but I'm already a PSL-toting basic babe decked out in flannel. There are some exciting things happening in my world at the moment - aside from 3D printing a foot inside my uterus - but there's not much I can share at the moment. What I can be openly stoked about is the[...]


Jenna’s Annual list of Creepy Kids

I'm writing this through droopy eyes, with a mug of tea that's long grown cold. For today, we had the Nephews. Don't get me wrong. I love everything about the tiny creatures, but three kids that are three and under is nutty. It doesn't matter how hard you try to tucker them out or how many treats you give them, you will eventually lose control of the asylum. You are, at any given time, one bite away from pure pandemonium. Once the kids went to bed, Matt and I collapsed in the living room. We ran through our usual banter about never having sex again now that t[...]


Interview: Jolene Haley and Brian LeTendre

Hello, Darlings!!   I am SO thrilled to have our very own Horror Twins, Brian LeTendre and Jolene Haley, on the blog today! They graciously let me feast on their brains about their books, both past and upcoming. So I'll stop boring you and just hop right in!   How did you two start writing together in the first place? Brian: I was lucky enough to participate in a few of the Pen & Muse writing showcases (Dark Carnival and Haunt), and I was a big fan of Jolene's because she's such a positive force in the writing community. I asked her to be a gu[...]


Are we alone?

Hello kittens,   I'm bringing you a story straight from the truth vault. It happened to a friend of a friend of mine....just kidding. This guy is actually my friend, IRL and everything. He is a (gloriously) bearded farmer that lives in a tiny town in the prairies (since Bearded Farmer is probably a little too wordy, let's call him...oh...Mulder). A couple weeks ago, Mulder called me up and told me this story and I just knew that I had to share it with ya'll. I just got off the phone with him, so I'm going to tell it in first person, because I can't write[...]


Write for me….

Hello Kittens,   I want to play a game.     I've auditioned for a few IP projects lately. While none of them have panned out, writing something that was spawned in someone else's brain has resulted in a huge boost in my creativity. So much so, that I want to try it out with you. Yes, you, sitting there, idly reading this post, perhaps on the train on your way to work. I want you to create your own twisted, demented little story off the following prompt. I will think of something fantastic to send my favorite contributor. **Spoiler alert - i[...]


After the Attack: Horror Sequels

Happy Halfoween! Get out your now empty plastic eggs and fill them with fingers and eyeballs. Behead the Daffodils. Leave bloody footprints as you tiptoe through the red tulips. Keep watch for killer bunnies. As we're halfway to Halloween, I began to ponder how, in scary books and movies, we are given only half of the story. The demon has been defeated by rituals and symbols. The ghost vanquished. The insane killer with the chainsaw has been left to die in a rock quarry or lake. The vampire staked. The werewolf left breathless by the silver bullet. All the ev[...]


Halfway There

Hello Kittens!   Happy Halfoween! In honor of this spooky celebration, here is one of my favorite kill scenes, from one of my all-time favorite movies, Thir13en Ghosts. (It's not Halfoween if someone isn't getting bisected) While I was drumming up ideas for my blog post, I kept thinking of the fact that we're halfway to Halloween. It might just be me, but I feel like everything is "halfway" lately. My kid is always halfway clean. I'm halfway done the laundry (meaning it's sitting in the washer, slowly drying). My jobs are halfway done at work. The bottle[...]