Yearly Archives



Announcing The Midnight Matron of All Hallow’s Eve!

  The month of October is a special one! Besides the obvious Halloween answers, this month is the first month were rolling out the honor of Midnight Matron! What the heck is Midnight Matron? The Midnight Society's Midnight Matron is a member of the Midnight Society team. He or she is someone that goes above and beyond to contribute to the Midnight Society, to our readers, and embraces the wonders of macabre like no other. That's great but...what does this mean? The Midnight Matron get's to resign supreme over the following month. This means that our Octobe[...]


All Hallow’s Read & Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween Boys & Ghouls! Halloween is believed to be the one night a year where the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead are blurred, allowing spirits to roam free! Some believe that on Halloween the ghosts of the dead return to earth. How will you be celebrating your night? Whether you're trick-or-treating, watching horror flicks, or telling tales in graveyards, we wish you a happy and safe evening! How Are We Celebrating Halloween? We're celebrating with treats, tricks, and Neil Gaiman's All Hallow's Read!  What is All Hallow’s[...]


Fear and a Winner!

Fear. It's what glues us to our seat during a scary movie. But if we are truly scared, why watch the movie? Why read the book? Well, it's all about the chemicals in our brains. I guess we're funny that way. Literally. When we are scared, our brains produce the same chemicals as when we're happy. So if you ever wondered just why you enjoy that feeling of dread and anxiety...that's why. Over the years, my fears have changed. I went from being scared of dolls, to a fear of clowns (Coulrophobia). I have to say I'm glad I'm over that one, what with my favorite show h[...]


Horror Movie Plot — Twitter Game

Hey ghouls and boys! Happy Friday! Halloween is now only 1 week away and I hope your festivities are revving up and you're excited and ready to party down and howl at the moon. (Those are my plans, anyway.) This is just a quick post to let you know about yet another fun event we've got going this weekend. (I say "yet another" because we've got loads of fun contests going right now. Scroll up to some earlier posts and see all of the fun things you can win!) This weekend I will be hosting a Horror Movie Plot game on Twitter! The game will be played in two ways.[...]


#EverydayIsHalloween Jack-o-lantern Contest

Hey there, boos and ghouls! Halloween is a little more than a week away, and you know what that means. Yep, your local grocery store will soon be out of Reese's Peanut Butter Pumpkins. It's tragic, I know. But at least we here at The Midnight Society have another fun Halloween contest to help take your mind off of it! Here are the rules: * Carve a really cool jack-o-lantern * Like The Midnight Society Facebook page * Post a picture of your really cool jack-o-lantern to our Facebook. (If you don't have Facebook, you can still participate. Just comment here o[...]


Get to Know the Midnight Society: Halloween Style!

  We update you daily on the creepy crawly world out there, wouldn't you like to get to know some of us a little better? I posed some questions to The Midnight Society members below, and they gravefully gave up some details on their Halloween lives.   @JoleneHaley What are your Halloween traditions?  I trick-or-treated for a long time until I just couldn't get away with it anymore...we're talking well into my twenties. Now, we mainly watch movies and hand out candy. We usually watch scary movies. Plus, where I live in Huntington Beach, they have[...]


A Contest & A Haunted Interview with the Authors of CREED

Before I introduce you to two fantastic horror writers, how about a CONTEST to win a hardcover copy of THE REPLACEMENT!?   What do you have to do to win? Nothing fancy...just comment on this post and share your biggest fear. We'll let our ghouls choose from the entries. And don't worry, we won't let them touch the book with their grubby hands. Guys, I absolutely adore the next authors I interviewed. They are both actively involved in Brenda Drake's contests--if you don't know her, please click on the link to check out the amazing sauce that is Brenda. I[...]


Not-So-Tricky Treats for Halloween

Who says Halloween treats are just for kids? In the 21 and over crowd, most Halloween beverages fall under the category of dessert rather than hydration. If you choose to drink, please do so responsibly. To support our underage and chemically dependent readers, all of these drinks can be deliciously made sans liquor. 1. Jell-O           This wriggling, mysterious substance is perfect for Halloween. Pictured above are three ways to serve Jell-O (shots). What makes it glow in the black light? Quinine, of course! We turn the garage i[...]


1st Annual Midnight Society Costume Contest!

How is your October so far, guys? Are you reading along with our Halloween book club? Watching our live tweet movies? I do hope you are checking out the #EverydayIsHalloween Twitter hashtag to keep up with all the fun things happening. Today we've got YET ANOTHER fun activity-- one that can win you a fabulous prize. It's the 1st Annual Midnight Society Costume Contest! We want to see what you've got, you rockstars and ghouls. We want the glamorous, the creepy, the elegant, the bloody, the funny. We want it all. We want to be wowed and amazed and grossed out and[...]


You’re Invited to Our Halloween Bash! #MidnightParty

What is it? To celebrate The Midnight Society’s first Halloween, we will be hosting an online bash. Everyone is welcome to participate and join in the chat. But we warn you, survival isn’t guaranteed. Where & When is it Taking Place? Twitter! We’ll be partying on Twitter at 7 PM EST, 4 PM PST on 10/30/14. Our Twitter handle is @MdNight_Society. We’ll also be using the hashtag #MidnightParty so you can follow along that way. What do I need to bring? YOURSELF. We will provide all of the (digital) refreshments, discussion, trivia, and prizes! There[...]