Today is a special day. Why? Because we’re celebrating the birthday of our favorite podcaster, metalhead, and dog dad.
Brian is the author of the Parted Veil series, co-founder of the Thrash It Out podcast, and a devoted lover of Mister Roger’s Neighborhood. He’s also an incredible, hilarious, brilliant human that makes this world a better place.
To celebrate, we’re throwing you a spooky metal party, headlined by none other than one of your favorites. It would make sense that our party in the graveyard would be led by Ghost!
We found this cake at a haunted bakery, and it seemed to be perfect for the occasion. Sorry about the cobwebs, we did the best we could.
We also brought in some delicious and spooky libations.

Ghost Brewing Company Beer, anyone?
Once these are open, we can really get the party started with some vinyls, some games, and time to just hang out, which is the greatest gift of them all.
Of course, no party for you is complete without pizza, and this instance, we’re busting out the spooky pizza!
Spooky pizza, anyone?
Happiest of birthdays to you, Brian! Thank you for being so amazing. I treasure our friendship and I’m so thankful that we know each other. Writing with you is such a gift and am so grateful for the moments we’re able to spend together. Love and hugs!

Happy birthday Brian!
The Midnight Society

Happy birthday, Brian!
Out in the world, you are the hardest working, metal concert going bestest dad and husband and friend. You are busy finding new horror to share and monsters to hunt.
I’ll have a slice of that cake and enjoy the music! Ooooohhh…pizza!
Then let’s watch a movie! It’s been awhile since I’ve seen these…
Have the best day! May it be filled with music, love, laughter, and creepiness.

Brian! My brother from another mother! I know I shouldn’t be trying to steal your thunder by celebrating this day for myself – but how can I not, when it is the day a glorious friend like you came into the world?

It means so much that I was able to spend time with you & Jolene last summer. The fact that we were all able to pick up and hang out like we’d known one another for years just shows how we were meant to become friends.

Sadly, we won’t get to hang out this summer again. And we’ll have to wait a little longer to enjoy that hockey game we talked about. But knowing I have you in my corner, as a friend, an inspiration, and an all-around cool dude, keeps me hopeful for those days in the future.

You are an incredibly caring & supportive person. Enjoy your special day!
Love, Mary

Happy Birthday Brian!!
To one old school metal head to another, I welcome you to a concert just for your birthday! Let’s begin with a little Winger.

How about some Metallica? I mean, they are an old favorite of mine!

I’ve seen these guys in concert 3x and they get better with age! Kiss always rocks the house!

Lastly, we will end your birthday concert with the now again famous (infamous) band from the Gieco commercials…

Rock on Brian! Enjoy your day!

Happy birthday, Camper!
Brian, I’m so excited to be doing Camp NaNoWriMo with you on your birthday, because that’s how I first met you. I knew you were a fabulous horror buddy from the rock soundtracks you shared with us every day as you rooted us on.
And, of course, we bonded over the classics.
But even more than hearing you riff on music and 80s horror movies, I love talking about writing with you. In a recent Midnight Society coven meeting, we talked about Shirley Jackson. We fan-personed over her subtlety and use of tension. You described how you sit with Shirley Jackson’s work a good while after reading it, and that pulled at my heart. Because I know that you do. You get overcome by the stories that speak to you, and your love of story craft is what makes you such a good writer.
Have the best of days and the best of years, Brian.